Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Birth Of Jesus

Jesus can't know what date he was born. Only Mary or Josoph, or Magis or other eyewitnesses can tell what date he was born. But no one says what date he was born clearly.

He was born through virgin Mary. So obviously no one knows what date he was born in the first place.

Posted by mercedo on Wednesday, December 27, 2006 at 8:00 AM

Who Made The Biggest Giveaway?

The Riddle Of Christmas
2006.12.27 2:42

For a few days before Christmas Day and after the day I've been reading many articles regarding the origin of Christmas. Usually we were told that Christmas is a birthday of Jesus, but why Christmas, not Christbirthday?
In some countries, especially in Latin countries like France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, the word for Christmas is directly derived from the birth of Jesus. The word for Christmas is Noel, Natal, Navidad, Natale respectively all mean Jesus's birth. In the first place was really Jesus born on the Christmas day? Many records suggest that the date Jesus was born is the 6th of January and this day has been celebrated as Epiphany, so why on Chiristmas day people celebrate Jesus's birth I boubt?
On the other hands, the Christmas means literaly Christ's mass, mass is a liturgy and usually held weekly or annually to commemorate the significance of sacrifice Jesus himself made. Jesus said at the Last Supper just before his crucification that we ought to hold Communion or Eucharist to commemorate -red wine is for His Blood and bread is for His Body, so if we were a Christian we ought to hold this ceremony, so Christmas has reason itself to be held, but why is it held on the 25th of December? I still can't get it.
Historically speaking Jesus's crucification took place after Passover, so generally it is taken for granted that the date of Jesus's death is April, or from late March to early May. Easter falls on the same season naturally. From a bibliographical description the 25th of December was celebrated as the birthday of Jesus as early as 354 so the history is not new at all.
Probably the date of his death was able to be specified, that is around April. Some early Christians believe that the date of the death of Jesus ought to be the same as the date of his conception in Mary, therefore nine months after the date of conception or crusification ought to be the date of his birth, so 25th of December is believed to fall on his birthday. This is a little bit unnatural explanation though. Another explanation is because 25th of December is winter solstice, the length of day starts longer from this day, the birth of Jesus is the birth of new hope in humankind. The day commemorates the start of prevailing hope.
Four days have passed since I started thinking about the meaning of Christmas. Christmas Day always makes us think the importance of giveaway. His biggest gift to us was his blood and body, Christmas commemorates his biggest giveaways anyway. Happy merry Christmas!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Hi, Kana...Merry Christmas

Hi, Kana...Merry Christmas!
Oftentimes I found hard to reach your 'add comment' section, therefore I was unable to make a comment nine out of ten!
But one moment in the evening on Christmas Day in 2006 I'm glad I got a greeting card from you.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Hi, Leah

Hi, Leah...Thank you very very much for replying me in spite of your very busy schedule, Merry Christmas, too. I hope you have a very good night. See you in a television.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Try Testing

Try Testing
Here is the test of letters and size. I think I prefer using this size and character.

One Problem

I was able to quench my lonliness at least, but I have to face another problem. It is a gap in communication.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Hi, Caroline

Hi, Caroline...

Thank you very much. I am rather busy nowadays so I haven't checked my inbox often. See you again.



Monday, December 18, 2006


If I use Japanese, my vein in my brain starts forming clots.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Update. I am with my girlfriend for the first time in 16 days. I had one of the most tempestuous nights.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Hi, Leah

Thanks for letting me know your appearance in your blog here. Now I'm watching you in the program.

Hi, Leah

Hi, Leah...
Anyway I'm watching webtama. Your aura is obvious!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hi, Dhins

Hi, Dhins...
It's Ok, no problem. I was very lonely last night. I met a couple of friends from abroad, now I feel Ok.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


When I feel so blocked from any success, it's just fine to watch manga. I can fly over the sky of imagination where I can do anything. This feeling represents the mentality of Japanese. They know they never be No. 1.


Hello, thanks for nice mangas..

Hi, natsuko

Hi, natsuko...
Right now I noticed you befriended me. Thank you for accepting my offer.

Hi, Dhins

Dec 10 2006 3:59A Hi, Dhins...
You are my hope.

My Futile Life

My Futile Life
It's nearly 4 o'clock in the morning. It's in the middle of the night. What do I think?

Hi, Lauren

Hi, Lauren....

How nice you are! I never fail to watch closely your default picture every time I loged in. Keep on being my friend. I appreciate.



Hello, Kana

Hello, Kana...It's midnight.

I've been trying to reach a Post A Comment section just many times. It was hard to get to because too many people were trying to? Anyway tonight I was able to.

I really enjoyed your new photos. I found a lot of aurae around you. You are always an angel to me.

Have a nice pleasant Christmas!



Hello, Ms. Williams

Dec 10 2006 3:19A Hello, Ms. Williams....

Hi, Leah

Hi, Leah...Magandang Gavi...Are you surprised? I had stayed in San Mateo for three months. It was more than ten years ago though. I will check telly program and I don't miss watching web-tama.

See you through the screen, cathode-ray tube screen.

Interpretation Of Numbers

Thank you for giving me a beautiful rhyme. And a picture.
Certainly numbers have power. But the interpretation of numbers varies greatly in every nations.
Posted by mercedo on Sunday, December 10, 2006 at 3:00 AM [Reply to this]

Hello, Ludmila

Hello, Ludmila...How have you been lately? I'm OK, it's a bit chilly night.

Hello, Brooke

Hello, Brooke...
How have you been lately? It's a bit chilly tonight.

Hello, Vanessa

Hello, Vanessa...
You are Miss Beauty...

Hi, Leah

Hi, Leah...
Your charm is just overwhelmimg.


I visited your site again. Here I am able to feel happy.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I noticed that some hours after midnight are not so cold. The wind stops. The around is so calm.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Electronic Edition

Electronic Edition
I noticed more and more electronic edition is used as a useful source of reliable information in television news.

Hello, Debbie

Hello, Debbie....

Thanks for sending me your message. I've been OK. I hope you are well as well.



Sunday, December 03, 2006

On The Moon

There's a container. This case can contain 300 grams of something. But only it contains 95 grams.

There's one box. I could only find the portion of one-thirds of the size of the box. The box is too big to its extreme.

Around me there's too many things like these. As if I were living on the moon.

Being Famous

They are famous if those who are well known to the people they usually belong to. Those who appear in television, newspaper are not famous. They are not famous as long as they are outside the realms of my world.

One Time Visitor

Last night I watched the movie 'Ichigensan' from 2 am to 4 am. This movie was a very impressive movie.

Ichigensan means those who visit pub or restaurant only one time and no more.


When American writes the word 'slave', they use five strokes. Japanese have to write 21 strokes for this word in Japanese.

Japanese people work very hard, usually 12 hours in a day, 60 hours in a week. But Americans are able to do the same ammount of job for 8 hours in a day, 40 hours in a week. In ordinary time we can hardly see the difference since Japanese work extra 4 hours in a day, and 20 hours in a week, but once in time of emergency, Americans work 12 hours in a day. Obviously Japanese cannot afford to work for 16 hours in a day. In ordinary time Japanese are already working at full swing. They can nothing for it but to explode in time of emergency.

The fate of Japanese is clear. They need to be enslaved before soon.

I Found

I found the piece of paper which describes what I wanted to write. That says ' Fate Of Japanese', I will write about it in the next journal.


My profile here has been seen in more than 1000 people. That's what I think I am famous.

I didn't want to be famous. -This expression connotes two different senses. One is I didn't want to be famous, so I am not famous now. And the other is I didn't want to be famous, but in spite of that I am famous now. So just the expression 'I didn't want to be famous' means either way.

The truth is I am not famous at all now. But I have started being known to many population through the Internet since two years ago. So I will be inevitably known to many people in the end, though I didn't want to be famous.

Ths truth is I was very famous when I was in school only inside school. I have been totally unknown to any one after I graduated. The reason I was only famous in school is because for me there was everything. Right now for me Slashdot, MySpace are everything, you are my star and so am I, as well as Marxist Hacker 42.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Way To Philosopher

Way To Philosopher
We need a friend to be a philosopher. A friend who spends all day and night with me. I used to have a couple of friends who were able to do so. Now wanted.
Girls only.
2:51 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Hi, kana

I live in the city of Fukuoka. Be my friend!


Hi, Three Butchers and a Chimney...

I checked MySpace site of three members. What amazed me is your age. Are all sixteens? Are you still high schol pupils and made a record.


Chimney is a hat zoe wears.

Vacant Saturday

I Didn't
I didn't want to be famous.
7:28 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
I Lost The Paper
I lost the piece of paper in which I wrote what I wanted to take down.
I have been trying to recall what I took down in my memo. So far I can't.

1:39 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Hi, Leah

Hi, Leah...
Are you in Australia? How have you been lately?
Wherever you are, I'd like to be your supporter.

See You In Sweden

Hello, maria...
I am very glad to hear from you. Honestly speaking, I have been wondering how your trip to Hong Kong was.
Did you renew your profile? I read your new blurb. It was a full of confidence and determination as it used to be, I felt rejuvenated. Thanks so much.
Usually I work 8 hours in a day, besides I spend 5 hours in writing. I browse MySpace when I am really tired. Your profile and music encourage me a lot.
My mission is enormous. You are sure to understand how the gifted child was treated if you are a musician since you are a kid.
See you in Sweden.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Hi, Lauren

Dec 2 2006 1:36A Hi, Lauren...
My first name is Mer and the last name is Cedo. Therefore my name in Mercedo. Make sense?