Thursday, May 31, 2007


Drink saliva - Japanese expression means very impressive, breathtaking, also very juicy, delicious..

Bianca's word

"you dont have to love me, you dont even have to like me. but you will RESPECT me." -Bianca

Thank you for the beautiful word.


Friday, June 01, 2007
What was a doctor's job
Some people don't accept some medical treatment even if when they are absolutely necessary to save their lives.
If a patient instructed a doctor not to do some particular treatments - for example, not to use some medicine or practice some medical treatment beside medical reasons, how a doctor ought to react?
If a doctor practiced some particular treatments when he judged that they are necessary and irreplaceable to other measures, then he did them deliberately with fully knowing the patient's wish of refusal to those particular treatments, and he successfully saved his life in consequence. Might he sue the doctor for not honouring his wish, or not?
It doesn't matter, because a doctor did what he had to do, this is a doctor's professional act within a range permissible by medical doctors. His first job is to save a life of patients. If he can do it within alternative treatments the patients allowed the doctor to practice, that'll be fine, too.
If the case involves in using the very treatments the patients directed him not to, his medical judgement ought to be prior to patient's wish. If you don't want particular measures when they're absolutely necessary, all he has to do is to leave a doctor. If he did so, the case will leave a matter a doctor concerns. That'll be fine, too.
Next case is even more troublesome. When a doctor judged a particular measure is necessary and irreplaceable to other measures, but he didn't it because he honoured the patient's wish and as a consequence, a patient died.
In this case, he might be questioned as murderer. He definitely honoured the patient's wish, but he not only violated doctor's ethics but also criminal code. Because he didn't do what he had to do enough in his job. The patient won't sue a doctor of course, if his family were understandable to the patient's wish, they won't sue him either. The problem was the third person like public prosecutors can sue the doctor for not fully responsible to his job. If the deceased were an influential person as company president, the company would have a possibility to sue the doctor.
If the patients leaves the matter to a doctor after he clearly states his wish not to accept a particular medical treatment, that'll be fine. My conclusion is that a patient cannot instruct a doctor not to practice some particular treatments as long as he is a patient of the doctor. This was my idea one week ago.


Religious people more or less believe in life after death though the notion varies. So they are not afraid of death, or rather they are eager to start another life after their death. Martyr is their ideal form of death. Because otherwise they can't expect another life they hope for. Some religious people are willing to welcome this way to reach death. The desire to martyr shows itself in some refusal to current medicine.

Battle of conscience

In the end it's the patient's freedom to see a doctor who honors his direction or change a doctor who ignores his wish. Of course he can choose not to go to see a doctor in the first place or in the end. A doctor can merely suggest a better way to take but he can't force his patients to undergo his way.
Respectable believers won't sue any doctor even if he did what his patients feel detested. But once lawsuits were held, the doctors won't win. He needs to pay compensation for the psychological loss of the patients. But the amount of compensation might be significantly lower in comparison with the benefit the doctor brought. In short, lawsuits are counterproductive and less beneficial. What was important was not keep away from blood itself, but what he did to avoid them. His conscience won't question himself if he did best what he could before his conscience.
For example, as to blood transfusion, products. It's better for him to emphasise the sacredness of blood rather than the risks blood has. Medically speaking, blood products or transfusion has more risks than other treatment. However probably Moses prohibited it from the health risks blood has. First successful blood transfusion was reported after blood type was found in 18c and blood products are a result of modern medicine. Moses won't prohibit the use of blood in medical purpose for this health reason if now.
Usually people without faith are eager to live just longer, but people like you don't want to live against your faith, instead want to live well in accordance with God's will. Society, doctors ought to respect the patient's wish first. The most important thing is the doctor won't be under inquisition for the allegation of euthanasia even if it involved the cases of life and death. Because he did his best to save the life of patients within a range all he allowed to do.
Euthanasia often take places in hospice and it's not illegal these days when the patients themselves wished firmly. Even if the cases that involve the vegetable man, who has lost his consciousness and just live through the life maintenance apparatus. If the patient's family wished to take away the apparatus, some doctors do with this consent. This medical act is not publicly admitted yet, but it has been held these days under the tacit consent with society, law enforcement.
Refusal to transfusion ought to be understood in line with this current movement in society. The happiness of the individuals ought to be determined by each individuals, this is not a matter people other than himself have a say.

Monday, May 21, 2007


May 21 2007 11:48P

Hi, Amber...thanks for sending me a card. I support you at any time. Mercedo

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Star of beach volleyball -Miwa Asao

Star of beach volleyball -Miwa Asao

Star of beach volleyball -Miwa Asao

Star of beach volleyball -Miwa Asao


Star of beach volleyball -Miwa Asao

Low-Context Cultures

The culture that requires us to read between the lines bears misunderstanding. Such cultures will perish sooner or later. Unlike superficial similarities with Japanese in use of ideograms, Chinese is one of the low-context cultures.

Star of beach volleyball -Miwa Asao(Right)

Duty of doctors heavier than the will of patients - ii

Last time when I went to hospital I was asked to drop a signature stating I fully understand the risk and benefit about the use of blood products. Because the products not only have effect but also risks of infection by hepatitis viruses. Doctors need to have us write a confirmation because this risk is inevitable in using this medicine. If I couldn't sign their document, they won't use it.

In the case of refusing to accept blood transfusion and blood products in some religious group, it has nothing to do with this medical perspective whether it's safety or risky . They refuse it because of their belief. But from doctor's eyes, this is merely their will from a belief based not upon the medical viewpoint.

In spite of the gap between my case and their cases, it's unceratain how doctors react in this case. Some doctors respect any patient's will and won't use blood, but others use any means including using blood transfusion, products against the will of patients. Are those who got recovered from illness going to sue doctors for their using treatments other than the patients chose? If sued, probably doctors will lose in spite of the fact that they saved patient's lives. Patients or their family can't sue doctors for not using any means including those of patients asked them not to use even if the patients died. Certainly doctors won't run a risk of using treatments the patients asked them not to use. But the question here is, is it against the ethics of doctors not to have used any measures? Are doctors ought not to use some treatment judging from the fact that merely based on patient's belief?

Duty of doctors heavier than the will of patients

Last time when I went to hospital I was asked to drop a signature stating I fully understand the risk and benefit about the use of blood products. Because the products not only have effect but also risks of infection by hepatitis viruses. Doctors need to have us write a confirmation because this risk is inevitable in using this medicine. If I couldn't sign their document, they won't use it.

In the case of some religious sect member's refusing to accept blood transfusion and blood products has nothing to do with whether it's safety or risky from this medical perspective. They refuse it because of their belief. But from doctor's eyes, this is merely a belief based not upon the medical viewpoint.

In spite of the gap between my case and their cases, it's unceratain how doctors react in this case. Some doctors respect any patient's will and won't use blood, but others use any means including using blood transfusion, products against the will of patients. Are those who got recovered from illness going to sue doctors for their using treatments other than the patients chose? If sued, probably doctors will lose in spite of the fact that they saved patient's lives. Patients or their family can't sue doctors for not using any means including those of patients asked them not to use even if the patients died. Certainly doctors won't run a risk of using treatments the patients asked them not to use. But the queation here is, is it against the ethics of doctors not to have used any measures? Are doctors ought not to use some treatment judging from the fact that merely based on patient's belief?

Monday, May 14, 2007


Abbyinternational, thank you for sending me a greeting card. Always, Mercedo


Thanks Alaysia for always keep on sending me an greeting card. I support you at any time.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Jacob Struggled

Posted: 10 May 2007, 04:07
Genesis 32:22-32, I took it for granted that Jacob wrestled with God and later Jacob started being called Isreal because of this incident since Israel means in Hebrew 'he struggles with God'. I just wondered why angel instead of God when I found many arts titled 'Jacob Wrestled With Angels'. Was someone interpret it as angel from the context?


Posted: 10 May 2007, 03:52
My understanding is we are born, that is our sin. We have to fight with this sin throughout our life. Our life is a purgatory.

Leviticus 16:8

Thank you for the reply. The description appears in Leviticus 16:8 -10. The translation varies according to a Bible, which version are you using? What can you read in your Bible?

Azazel Or Scapegoat?

Today I believe most scholars consider Azazel is guadian of goat in the field. The etymological analysis of this word is unclear. Some say it means goat that departs, others God strengthens, etc.Septuagint -3 b.c. translated it as the one carrying away evil which has nothing to do with scapegoat yet.It was not until Vulgate which is the work in 4 c, that started translating as the emmisary goat, which is very similar to the notion of scapegoat.Since then almost all major translations - Tyndale 1530, King James Version 1611 rendered the word scapegoat for the word Azazel. What is Azazel? It's ceratain the goat was offered in a feast of expitiation.

Was Intermarriage Possible?

Genesis 6:1-4 states nephilim are children born by the intermarriage between sons of God or fallen angels and daughters of men. Was the borderline between spiritual beings and physical ones uncertain before Deluge?

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Harbour - A Record of An Age -Journals other than Slashdot &