Who Made The Biggest Giveaway?
The Riddle Of Christmas
2006.12.27 2:42
For a few days before Christmas Day and after the day I've been reading many articles regarding the origin of Christmas. Usually we were told that Christmas is a birthday of Jesus, but why Christmas, not Christbirthday?
In some countries, especially in Latin countries like France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, the word for Christmas is directly derived from the birth of Jesus. The word for Christmas is Noel, Natal, Navidad, Natale respectively all mean Jesus's birth. In the first place was really Jesus born on the Christmas day? Many records suggest that the date Jesus was born is the 6th of January and this day has been celebrated as Epiphany, so why on Chiristmas day people celebrate Jesus's birth I boubt?
On the other hands, the Christmas means literaly Christ's mass, mass is a liturgy and usually held weekly or annually to commemorate the significance of sacrifice Jesus himself made. Jesus said at the Last Supper just before his crucification that we ought to hold Communion or Eucharist to commemorate -red wine is for His Blood and bread is for His Body, so if we were a Christian we ought to hold this ceremony, so Christmas has reason itself to be held, but why is it held on the 25th of December? I still can't get it.
Historically speaking Jesus's crucification took place after Passover, so generally it is taken for granted that the date of Jesus's death is April, or from late March to early May. Easter falls on the same season naturally. From a bibliographical description the 25th of December was celebrated as the birthday of Jesus as early as 354 so the history is not new at all.
Probably the date of his death was able to be specified, that is around April. Some early Christians believe that the date of the death of Jesus ought to be the same as the date of his conception in Mary, therefore nine months after the date of conception or crusification ought to be the date of his birth, so 25th of December is believed to fall on his birthday. This is a little bit unnatural explanation though. Another explanation is because 25th of December is winter solstice, the length of day starts longer from this day, the birth of Jesus is the birth of new hope in humankind. The day commemorates the start of prevailing hope.
Four days have passed since I started thinking about the meaning of Christmas. Christmas Day always makes us think the importance of giveaway. His biggest gift to us was his blood and body, Christmas commemorates his biggest giveaways anyway. Happy merry Christmas!
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