Teacher Runs
Teacher Runs
In December, teachers start running? You know the reason? The name of this month is 'Teache Runs'. I have to run.
4:42 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
Teacher Runs
Hello, lu biscuits...
I am impressed with your profile. I am eager to read your blog. Will you be my friend?
Yes, she was my first love. She was one year senior to me and she taught me many things.
why you life filipina ? did you have already gf filipina before? Yes. My first love was Filipina. I fell in love with a woman for the firs time at age 30. She was from Philipine.
Hi, berna...Unfortunately I am not very happy. Since she lives far from my home, I can only see her once ina weekend or in ten days. I want a girlfriend who can see me everyday and, besides I like Filipina more...My current girlfriend is Japanese.
Hello, Megumi...
Please reveal your identity a little so that I can know you more. I live in Fukuoka.
Hello, Asumi...I don't know you many, but I live in City of Fukuoka. We are not likely to see, but I'm glad you are here.
Three Butchers and a Chimney
Hey, rely to your latest inquiry...
MONSIEUR PAPIER!! He is apparently a good looking guy. I think he will get a lot of popularity from young girls. And thanks for a large post. I had wanted a large picture.
Hello, Three Butchers and a Chimney...
All three of you are very impressive, but most of all I like Andy Fucking Pandy!! Of course I love Chicken McFlurry, too.
Anyway all three are very unique. I like that!
Where's Chimney?
Nov 28 2006 8:49P Hello, X_PACT...
If you allow me to be a friend of yours, please send me your email or last name so that I can befriend you.
In my childhood I used to eat meat of whale many times. Fish four times in a week, one time whale, chicken, pork in the rest of the week. Whale was very cheap. We normally didn't eat beef. So I felt very perplexed when whale disappeared in our cuisine.
This time the chance of enjoying bluefin tuna will be reduced from our dinner. Bluefin tuna has been a part of luxury cooking, normally I don't have it.
Tide -Strange Movement
Who Owns The Beach?
Hello, Dir*y...
Hi, kayama...How are you?
MySpace is exploding, the number of my friends also expanding. You seem to already belong to one of my oldest friends. Time has passed, but I'm glad our friendship never changes.
In political reality, some policy that had been regared as good in previous administration often turns to be bad in the current administration. This game makes me aware that there's no absolute value in good and evil.
Nov 26 2006 8:20P Hello, Allen Zadr...
Still many people here don't understand English well. You came over here from America and you are wrting lyrics in Japanese.
I respect your effort and hope you can come up with an impressive song.
It's Sunday and I was with my girlfriend. We listened to the music together. It was not difficult to understand the lyrics since we were able to follow the superimposed of Chinese ideograms.
I just wonder you are fond of ballad like this.
It's Sunday and I was with my girlfriend. We listened to the music together. It was not difficult to understand the lyrics since we were able to follow the superimposed of Chinese ideograms.
I just wonder you are fond of ballad like this.
You can omit the subject.
Object always comes before verbs.
Negation always comes very last part of the sentences.
Typical word order is subject, articles, time adverb clause, postposition, place adverb clause, postposition, objectives, postpositions, verbs, auxiliary verbs, negation.
Because Deep Impact ate grass in the racehorse field where the medicine containing the prohibited drug were spread accidentally.
Amazing. What is the thing they want to keep by saying such a strange excuse? It is only their face.
I understand the period of Jupiter is 12 years. Some people are very susceptible to the location where the Jupiter lies. We are affected by many unseen power from the planet or alike. What is important is how to make the most of the good oppotnuity in our life.
Here this is the word of Hideyoshi Toyotomi (1536 -1598), when he found it unable to defeat his rival -Ieyasu Tokugawa (1543 -1616), he tried to apease him. As a result Ieyasu became one of the most powerful subordinates of Hideyoshi.
Hair - of course here means 'under hair' was regared as indecency and those who took a picture of underhair was arrested, in Japan ten years ago.
I found wonder as to the low degree of culture in this country.
Hair is hair, wherever we found it, it doesn't matter. If underhair were indecent, other hair ought to be so, but of course they didn't.
'You are tired, aren't you' . This is a translation of Japanese salutation. Every time I encounter anyone, they say this phrase.
I am just tired of hearing this catch copy of salutation.
Indeed Van Houten cocoa is very tasty and unparalleled to any products here. One domestic company started affiliating to this company and made a product.
If you cannot defeat something, try to merge it.
Very late last night I watched the movie. It was a rather strange movie though it didn't matter. What matter was the lack of morality.
Movies are fictitious world. If the good prosper and the bad extinct, I feel happy and also I want to be as virtuous as I can. But if the bad survived and the good annihilated, I won't be eager be a good person.
Of course in reality, the good does not always prevail, the bad might survive, reality is as such, based on such severity, in reality.
But in fiction I want the good to survive and the bad to be terminated. That's how fiction means something.
I am not impressed if just a reality described in movies. I lost precious time.
Right now I have scarce information as to the working condition of information industry. I will reply to at earliest convenience. I need to ask someone who are working now in the industry.
Many years ago -probably some thirty years ago foreign imports were very expensive and hard to get, we used to go to the department store to get them. When I ate meat, I preferred using a Worceter sauce. Worceter sauce but made in Japan. Thirty years ago it was unbelievably bad taste. Recently I tried the sause of the same brand for the first time in thirty years with the feeling that it would be the same taste as before. But the taste changed completely. The Worceter sause made in Japan these days is very close to that of in England. This is amaging experience. The producer must have analysed the contents of produce in Worcetershire thoroughly and imitate them. I found the similar case in domestic mayonnaise. So even if the cases of making the products which are not based on a technic derived from the ancient tradition, it will surely overwhelm the original.
Superiority Of Foreign Goods
I choose Four Roses (American Boubon), Nescafe (Swiss coffee), Van Houten (Dutch cocoa), not any of domestic ones. 9:51 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit
New Caste
We try to be one with the song, and then we become the song.
Nice expression.
Posted by mercedo on Thursday, November 23, 2006 at 1:44 AM [Reply to this]
Hi, Maria..
Yes, I write about a long lost person, but I've been looking for a woman I can love. She has to understand English. The reason I was unable to love her was her language- Japanese.
Hello, Vanessa..
One of the best functions MySpace ever had is its countability.
Hello, Anna..nice to meet you. I found a charm in you, which is a reason I made friends with you.
I am very tired when I am with someone. I was with my love for two days.
Now I am alone. I return to normal. This might be a fate of writer. I want to be a writer rather than the person in relation to a particular person.
Nissin foods (first position)and Myojo foods(fourth position) used to be a rival in Japan's market. Now Myojo foods is under the threat of TOB by American investment fund. Myojo asked Nissin to buy them and Nissin issued TOB.
Better the devil domestic.
Japan's ace pitcher Matsuzaka crossed the Pacific. He moves to Boston Red Sox by 60,00,000,000 yen (60,000,000 dollar). Internationalisation of Major league is obvious. Japan's TV station will want to air the game between Yankees and Red Sox. They will sure to spend millions of money. The money will surely exceed 60 million dollars. This is the law of investment.
Tsunami will attack coast side of northern Japan. Why I can say that? Because the sea level of these coast line drastically goes downward. This is an omen of forthcoming Tsunami attack. Calmness before storm is the similar phenomenon.
Tsunami will attack coast side of northern Japan. Why I can say that? Because the sea level of these coast line drastically goes downward. This is an omen of forthcoming Tsunami attack. Calmness before storm is the similar phenomenon.
Earthquake occured in Etorofu island in 'Northern Territory'. It's so misleading. Northern territory is a southernmost two islands, a part of Kuril islands. These two islands are Russian territory, but Japanese government has been claiming these two islands historically belongs to Japan. It is completely free to claim where the two islands belong to. But it is totally another actually which country rules these two islands, obviously Russians do.
Historicaly these two islands along with other two islands initialy belong to Japan in 1854. But certainly later in 1945 after the World War II in San Fransisco Peace Treaty, Japan gave up Kuril islands. These two islands were certainly Japanese territory as Japan insists, but at the same time they are one of the abandoned part of Kuril islands.
Being Proposed
2005. Dec/ 29 9:13 Fw:Re: The Last Letter
Oh, it's 8 o'clock in the morning. I stayed up late. It's Sunday. I need to go to one place before 2 in the afternoon and another before 4. Now let's take a rest.
I miss a woman who was in love till one year ago. She is not here. She left here without saying where she goes next. Hope I can hear from her. Love is eternal. Because still I love her.
Hello, maria...
How was your trip in East Asia? I understand Hong Kong is a very energetic city like you. Hope you had a good experience there.
Eros Is Strongest
Advertisement Changed
Hi, Leah...
Hi, Leah,
China's marvellous economic growth in recent ten years is brought about by China's reunificatin with Hongkong. Emergence of lots of technocrats who had studied in America. China's changed economic policy, state-led capitalism. China's change is from inner part but the stimuli from outside was indispensable. The role of South Korea, Taiwan, Japan was also unignorable.
America's decline is never likely to occur. Japan will be heading for America, China will be heading for America. Japan might take sides with China in the future, but at that time China and America would be one of the strongest allies one another. Japan will play a subordinate role of both China and America.
SoftBank -Japan's Yahoo provider, the third largest cellular company is going to buy the world largest social networking service MySpace -Japanese version.
Hi, once I tried looking into the name Ludmila in Google. I read Wikipedia article then I realised Ludmila is a famous lady in history.
But most of all I like your handlename -Ludmila, which connotes exquisite ambience.
Hello, Ludmila...
Hi, NITRO...
Hello, Ozzie, nice to meet you.
I like MySpace and I keep on making the most of this wonderful site, but one thing I want to ask.
I don't like Japanese characters in the advertisement of myspaceinvite and myspacemusic. But if they were all written in English, that's fine.
Can I choose to display all in English?
Best regards,
Yeah, it's true. I'm going to write a journal for my fans. Currently my subscribers are you and someone only. We can find huge users here but their interest, objective of use vary very much. In some ways integration as a community is the most important factor for a poster of their journal.
Here in Fukuoka, very local city though the population counts 1.4 million, we've got tens of bars that musicians can perform. In my thirties I made it a rule to visit at least once in a week to have beers and attend such a musician's performance.
Big concerts might be an artist's dream, but as a fan of your music I'd like to spend just a couple of hours - very special time between artists and fans in a mood like this.
Hello, Tanya...
Since I live near the beach I like to go to the beach. Ten years ago I often go to the beach and opened some English books or magazines. I would often spend a couple of hours in a beach like a photo above. Now the time had gone for ever? Because I'm getting old I don't do this any more.
Ten years ago I used to go to the beach to stay for a couple of hours like Tanya here. I'm getting old, I don't do this any more.
English Education In Japan
English education in Japan as a compulsory subject starts at age 13 in secondary school. Can you believe it? In South Korea ten years ago already English became a compulsory subject. The difference is unseen yet, though Japan's decline is visible.