I'm waiting to see your pictures.
Hello good evening Br C**..
Yeah, thanks! Keep in touch.
Thanks for sending me a lot of wonderful pictures. I understand these rooted to deep respect to humans and humanity.
~Wemsy 41 minutes 33 seconds ago
Basically by working everyday, I have been occupied by many secular matters. Reality is always sever and therefore worthy to love.I tried to know reality through reading the books first and now I know there are many useless knowledges that don't apply to reality. But if people didn't read the books and knew reality first, they woudn't know whether some knowlegde they first encounter is uselss or useful. I can tell whether some knowlegde is useful or not.That's what I have been learning from reality.
You live in Okayama and I live in Fukuoka. It's not impossible but very hard to see one another even if we want to.
Nice legs